
With over 1,050 pages, this is much more than a fascinatingly effective field guide. It’s a wide-ranging introduction to astronomy’s development and practice. The first edition received high praise in publications including: The New York Times, Sky and Telescope, Astronomy magazine, Los Angeles Times, Science News, Science Books and Films, Booklist, Aviation Week & Space Technology, The Research Libraries – New York Public Library, and Recent Publications in Natural History – American Museum of Natural History.The updated, revised, Celestial Sport Edition has twice the original text, thousands of internal and external links, over 200 images including 104 new horizon scenes, glossary, bibliography, and index.One hundred and four of the brightest stars are introduced individually, one every few nights, as they progressively enter their respective “Sky Screens”. Recently arrived stars join to form a familiar stellar matrix, greatly enhancing use of digital sky devices and detailed star atlases. Hundreds of other remarkable stars and adjacent deep-sky objects are surveyed.Dimensions and distances of the featured stars are related to scale models, and compared to aspects of baseball and soccer stadiums.